just running the install it complains
just running the install it complains about
unknown device
before the test starts. Is that expected?8 Replies
what files? tpm?
i assume you mean before the ISO verification test?
it was two messages from dracut
Hastily captured photo on my phone
the images/install.img one seems unusual
it may not be a problem... if you get to anaconda it's probably just an artifact of how we are tweaking the netinstall ISO to do an rpm-ostree OCI install
I assume you've seen this https://ublue.it/installation/
there's a few notes there that can help with known issues
Installation - Universal Blue
Custom Operating System images based on Fedora
Yeah I read that and just running the installer to see if it hits any issues. My laptop has optimus hybrid nvidia setup so nvidia drivers are needed for HDMI output to work.
No errors running the install so far, I just spotted those messages
i need to unplug for several hours so good luck!