C#14mo ago

✅ Permission best practices

hey, whats better practice? -Create new table with type of permission and make relation with user -Storage permission in user table as enum
26 Replies
phaseshift14mo ago
A good question for #database . Personally I'd separate them
JUK_Karol14mo ago
so there isnt better practice?
phaseshift14mo ago
Idk. Not my area tbh
JUK_Karol14mo ago
okay, thanks for answer : P
ffmpeg -i me -f null -
authentication and authorization could sit in an entirely different db with a separate set of services
jcotton4214mo ago
why an entirely different database?
JakenVeina14mo ago
uhh, meaning a 1-to-many mapping or a 1-to-1 mapping? that's not a "best practice" question that's a "two functionally different things" question so, the question for you is which of those two functionalities is the functionality you want?
JUK_Karol14mo ago
1-to-many relation, functionality is same - storage users permission
JakenVeina14mo ago
huh? so, you want a 1-to-many relationship? users can have many permissions? what does "functionality is same" mean? same as what?
JUK_Karol14mo ago
I mean there would be for example table with 2 permissions admin(id: 2) and user(id: 1), then table user has colum with permission (relation to permission id)
ffmpeg -i me -f null -
because of security concerns, and because sometimes this require a different engine than your data db, and also it can happen to have enough tables that you want them in a separate domain
JakenVeina14mo ago
yeah, that's a 1-to-1 mapping not a 1-to-many mapping which do you want?
JUK_Karol14mo ago
am I that dumb? xD many users have one permission thats why imo its 1-to-many
phaseshift14mo ago
er, if you do that then you're basically saying permissions is a pre-populated read-only list of all permission permutations. And when a user has their perms changed, it's not their perm that's updated, but rather their perm id is just changed to a different entry in the read-only perms table. I would have thought it would be simpler to have a perm row for each user, ie 1-to-1
JUK_Karol14mo ago
okey, I understand but whats about use enums? isn't that more optimalized for database if when you trigger any endpoint u didnt have to trigger another query to ask for permission?
phaseshift14mo ago
i dont get what youre asking
JUK_Karol14mo ago
I mean set permission like this:
phaseshift14mo ago
so your question is 'is one db query better than two'?
JUK_Karol14mo ago
im pretty sure is one query better, but im not about is case with enum good practice
phaseshift14mo ago
enums are just numbers (at the db side)
JUK_Karol14mo ago
I know but its still not answer about better practices I mean maybe better avoid it bcs of security issue
phaseshift14mo ago
you keep changing your question everyone is telling yuo to separate it then you ask about 'optimization'
JUK_Karol14mo ago
damn okay, now its clear, thank you
JakenVeina14mo ago
is it possible for a user to have more than one permission? Yes or no?
ffmpeg -i me -f null -
what type of permission is this, rbac? dac?
JUK_Karol14mo ago
sorry guys i fucked up in my question cause i didnt know difference between permission and role when i was asking. thank you all for answering i get what i want