C#15mo ago

✅ Graphics and Windows

Hi I am interested in creating my own window instead of using the command console or winforms, I have no clue how to create this window or make graphics for it, I'd like to make it all so I understand it, does anyone have any resources to do this or just know how? Thanks!
17 Replies
JakenVeina15mo ago
Hello World app with WPF in C# - Visual Studio (Windows)
Create a simple Windows Desktop .NET app in C# with Visual Studio using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) UI framework.
Zypeth15mo ago
Is there anyway to do this without visual studio? Like create it from scratch idk if that's possibel lol
Jester14mo ago
in notepad if you have a compiler and hate yourself pepewidesmile you want to use WPF or really go from scratch? then you have to learn the windows api (to create a window) and probably directx (to do the graphics)
Zypeth14mo ago
How do I create a compiler lol? I hate myself :)
Jester14mo ago
you dont thats too much effort first you cut down a tree, then you get stone, then iron and redstone, then you build some redstone circuits to build a compiter. then you make a compiler in assembly to make your own programming language like C. then you create an operatingsystem with a gui. then you create a window a gpu and graphics drivers and api and there you go a window from scratch
Zypeth14mo ago
sounds good! thanks :D
Jester14mo ago
ill see you in 300 years when you are done with the project
Zypeth14mo ago
Jester14mo ago
👋 goodluck
Jester14mo ago
Create a window - Win32 apps
Learn how to create a window as the first step in this sample module for your first Windows program.
Jester14mo ago
Jester14mo ago
Text Rendering with Direct2D and DirectWrite - Win32 apps
Unlike other APIs, such as GDI, GDI+ or WPF, Direct2D interoperates with another API, DirectWrite, to manipulate and render text. This topic describes the benefits and interoperation of these separate components.
Jester14mo ago
Work with DirectX device resources - Win32 apps
Understand the role of the Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) in your Windows Store DirectX game.
Jester14mo ago
if you want to actually make a desktop app, use WPF in visual studio. if you want to learn about windows, read all this
Zypeth14mo ago
Amazing :D
chef drone builder
I can also recommend https://www.nuget.org/packages/Silk.NET.Windowing/ if you want a simple crossplatform abstraction over windowing in c#
Silk.NET.Windowing 2.17.1
Silk.NET is a high-speed, advanced library, providing bindings to popular low-level APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX.
Accord14mo ago
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