`This hostname is not covered by a certificate` only on pages CNAMES

See image:
44 Replies
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
does not happen for workers, only for pages CNAMEs, and according to the cert manager it should be covered
Hello, I’m Allie!
If you visit the domain, does it show a cert?
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
browser can't load it from the domain and https://tangialeaderboardfrontend.pages.dev/ shows Failed to load resource: net::ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH in the console @HardAtWork so the pages hosting directly seems to be having issues..
Hello, I’m Allie!
That one loads fine for me
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
if you check the console it's not
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
I see that too oh well it's trying to get from the domain lol yeah htmx.js:3080 GET https://leaderboard-frontend.cf.tangia.co/root net::ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH
Hello, I’m Allie!
Oh How old is the custom domain?
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
8 days
Hello, I’m Allie!
Did it work before?
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
I don't think I ever checked tbh fixing something someone who is offline in germany made and is now away for the weekend lol
Hello, I’m Allie!
Try deleting the custom domain and then re-adding it
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
ok @HardAtWork immediately shows it again
Hello, I’m Allie!
Give it a minute
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
@HardAtWork still the same :/
Hello, I’m Allie!
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
Some more context, we have cf.tangia.co on cloudfalre, not tangia.co don't think that's an issue as it's clearly not for workers, but some context
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
we do have a pages site that isn't using the cloudflare DNS that works fine
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
but anything using the cf subdomain is having issues
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
could it be because it's proxied? the error goes away in the dashboard but it's still showing SSL issues on the browser when I turn proxy off
Hello, I’m Allie!
Might be ACM just broke and got stuck…
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
I just tried recreating it again without proxying, no luck
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
google dig is pulling a records too...
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
that shouldn't happen when it's not being proxied IIUC And it keeps renewing them? @HardAtWork does that sound right? happens with proxying or just DNS if I go to add a new one it doesn't even recognize that CF has it like workers does
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
Hello, I’m Allie!
Think it only tries once
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
I tried with another subdomain too, still an issue I don't think there are any CAA records either that would prevent this, because our workers are fine
Chaika15mo ago
It might be related, not 100% sure, but if I recall correctly Pages likes to use GTS sometimes, and you're missing the caa for it ;; ANSWER SECTION: tangia.co. 60 IN CAA 0 issue "amazon.com" tangia.co. 60 IN CAA 0 issue "amazonaws.com" tangia.co. 60 IN CAA 0 issue "amazontrust.com" tangia.co. 60 IN CAA 0 issue "awstrust.com" tangia.co. 60 IN CAA 0 issue "globalsign.com" tangia.co. 60 IN CAA 0 issue "letsencrypt.org"
Chaika15mo ago
Debugging Pages · Cloudflare Pages docs
When setting up your Pages project, you may encounter various errors that prevent you from successfully deploying your site. This guide gives an …
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
Huh… so maybe those records were made after the workers cert was provisioned?
Chaika15mo ago
The workers cert was a Let's encrypt one, which is allowed
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
Oh lol
Chaika15mo ago
Pages may have simply just picked to use GTS and hit a wall
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
What is gts?
Chaika15mo ago
Google Trust Services Google's own CA
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
Ah ok That’s probably it, let me add them real quick
Chaika15mo ago
The ones that Cloudflare ones are linked in the guide above under Missing CAA Records You probably don't need digicert/comodoca (which is Sectigo iirc) or issuewild, but you might want to do them anyway just in case
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
yeah will do ofc it was the one thing I thought it wasn't so i never checked well assuming it is according to pages one of the domains actually added just fine, even though the dns said it wasn't fine just changed the CAA and added the records back in CF, still see the warning but hopefully that goes away soon. Makes sense that it would be the issue tysm @chinam1 oops wrong ping @chaika.me
Chaika15mo ago
looks like it loads now, and it was trying to issue a GTS cert
Chaika15mo ago
Your worker is throwing though https://leaderboard-frontend.cf.tangia.co/root
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
cool, and yeah that's expected, it's a twitch extension so it tries to load something in the window the twitch sdk and such tysm again!!!
Chaika15mo ago
no problem MeowHeartCloudflare
DanTheGoodman15mo ago
it still says that the cert is an issue on the CF dashboard, but browser seems to be fine