can somebody help me on this one?
i can't center the step-counter, i have the same code as the tutorial but i only use the scss and doesn't work , i even tried without scss and copied the whole thing still the same? anybody knows why
link :
link 2 :
GitHub - clapycodes/step-counter
Contribute to clapycodes/step-counter development by creating an account on GitHub.
clapycodes/step-counter - CodeSandbox
The online code editor tailored for web applications

17 Replies
it looks centered in the sandbox link
but in my browser doesn't look

ye ye i see that
even my friend send me that it is center
but idk why is happenning to me ?

have you tried different browser?
no i will try now chrome
what browser you use?
ok so
in google ye it is centerd

is your browse up to date? maybe it's an extension causing this
how can i check which one is causing it
disable them all see if it's fixes then turn them one by one
ok man, thank you so much

found it