The Map?

I want to design a map that was heavily inspired by my duo that insta locks jett and would buy a op every round he could. The teleport are all random when you go into one it will teleport you into one of the other 7 and every time you go in one it changes they are never set. I had map this map from accent spawns and started with the maps and didn't know what to do with mid but I put my favorite number and went from there.
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13 Replies
Hazel2y ago
There's so many site and i feel it would be very chaos
itislena2y ago
imagine you cant get out of c for a few minutes couse it always teleports you back
Oofio2y ago
This is a 10v10 map, definitely not a 5v5 Imagine defending Shit's gonna be chaotic as fuck Also have wtf, B, C, D and E site is so small, ain't nobody gonna plant in any of those spots
Sir.2y ago
1 person on each site
Oofio2y ago
You're not wrong. By the time that the attackers are pushing, it's a bit late for the defenders to arrive, aren't they And it's a 50/50 standoff between that 1 defender vs 5 attackers in a single site.
HotEggsX2y ago
Yeah I think the main loophole is the portal randomisation Without it and maybe fewer sites (?) this map could work
Sentient2y ago
It's a tactical fps so they won't add randomised tps, also B site has 2 angles to hold...
HotEggsX2y ago
This is clearly a defender-sided map, especially if they plant C
cheat2y ago
op haven
Monogrammed Butterscotch
Could work If you could choose which teleporter to go to.
pentastic2y ago
imagine defending on that map if attackers plant at c its almost impossible to defuse
MisterM0n5ter2y ago
haha hwy its great

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