v3 package resources / blade templates

I created a fresh v3 package but inside the documentation I can’t find a description on how to add blade templates. Right now I follow the guide on how to manage frontend users as profiles but I want to create corresponding admin/repeaters/tasks.blade.php and other views inside the package so I can reuse it easier on new projects and also distribute the package later. Looks like there is a mix between v2 and v3 stuff in the documentation as well? Because there is nonstick directory: resources/views/admin/repeaters/
1 Reply
ifox2y ago
Hi @_crp87 some guides may still have Twill 2 specific instructions yes, but beyond paths it shouldn't really be that much different. a Twill package is exactly like a Laravel package, so you would register views in the package service provider like you would in s standard Laravel package. If you're looking to register blocks, repeaters etc, the Twill package service provider has specific methods to do so

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