Cloudflare Pages internal error 500

Is the service down?
6 Replies
Kasumi2y ago
500 is mostly an Internal Server Error caused by your code. But currently everything looks fine except mutch is rerouted
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asenponsOP2y ago
Kasumi2y ago
Thats just Mainantenance should be rerouted Can you show the error ypu get? As far I know cloudflare doesnt provide a 500 error page nvmd never seen it
Kasumi2y ago
But ig its a you issue
Isaac McFadyen
Cloudflare is an anycast network. That means that if one colo goes down they just re-route to working colos and users won't ever notice it. A 500 error is indeed related to your code, not a Cloudflare issue.
asenponsOP2y ago
Thank you for your straightforward reply, working on it. Noticed that might be caused by some outdated dependencies or node version

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