C#2y ago

❔ I need help to convert a string type of textbox text to int

I have a textbox to enter a number then I wanna get number in a int variable
20 Replies
Haze.2y ago
What have you tried so far?
mkpastOP2y ago
System.Convert.ToInt32(Txt.Text) int x = int.Parse(Txt.Text) it gives me errors System.FormatException: 'Input string was not in a correct format.' how can i fix it? can you help me? @Haze.
Sumit Shekhawat
@ǃ THE REAL DRAGON AKUMA when you get value from textbox, is this in decimal format? Like 1.00
mkpastOP2y ago
no it's int like 32
Sumit Shekhawat
int x = Convert.ToInt32(Txt.Text);
mkpastOP2y ago
I tried it but it didn't work
Sumit Shekhawat
This statement should be work. also you can remove extra spaces if any come with using Trim() Method like Txt.Text.Trim()
cap5lut2y ago
generally speaking, u shouldnt use Convert for this, but instead int.TryParse(string, out int):
if (int.TryParse(Txt.Text, out int number)
// do something with the number
// handle that the number wasnt parsable
if (int.TryParse(Txt.Text, out int number)
// do something with the number
// handle that the number wasnt parsable
but besides that i guess its what sumit is thinking: random whitespaces, so sanitizing the input before passing it would be the correct way TryParse(...) (and usually all these TrySomething(...) methods) return a bool value if it succeeded or not. the out is a bit complexer: imagine i would have instead written:
int number;
if (int.TryParse(Txt.Text, out number)
// ...
int number;
if (int.TryParse(Txt.Text, out number)
// ...
the out basically means, that the method TryParse will assign a value to the given variable (number), which u can then use to further process ur stuff. having it out int number instead just means that its declaring the variable there, instead of before the if (its mainly syntactical sugar ;p)
Cattywampus2y ago
don't use convert, use tryparse instead you can do it like this for example
MODiX2y ago
REPL Result: Success
string str = "123ABC";
int tmp = 0;
Int32.TryParse(Regex.Replace(str, "[^0-9]",""), out tmp);
string str = "123ABC";
int tmp = 0;
Int32.TryParse(Regex.Replace(str, "[^0-9]",""), out tmp);
Console Output
Compile: 578.933ms | Execution: 35.671ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
Cattywampus2y ago
depends on your setup, you may not need the regex there
mkpastOP2y ago
thanks u
cap5lut2y ago
i mentioned it already this as is, i wouldnt recommend tho. its valid to complain to the user that their input is garbage ;p (especially since that example is a valid integer in hex format ;p)
Cattywampus2y ago
if it answers your question @ǃ THE REAL DRAGON AKUMA you can close this
mkpastOP2y ago
ok wait i'm copying codes
Cattywampus2y ago
yeah based on your posted code, you'd need to make sure that they're all numbers my code would bypass that but in production, you don't want that you can check if your string contains numbers o via char.IsDigit
cap5lut2y ago
its all a matter of how vague u want to allow the user input. for explicit stuff, use the TryParse method. after that comes more complecity, sanitizing strings, culture based input formats and so on. given ur current knowledge i would say trimming whitespaces to sanitize and TryParse is what u should go for if u do not have further questions, remember to $close the thread 😉
MODiX2y ago
Use the /close command to mark a forum thread as answered
cap5lut2y ago
ofc if u have more question regarding this topic ask ;p i have explained the out part in more detail here if u want a deeper understanding of it: https://discord.com/channels/143867839282020352/1105905561591087144/1106118506803634246
Accord2y ago
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