C#โ€ข15mo ago

โ” Why could NuGet restore randomly timeout inside GitHub Actions?

So frequently nuget restore timeout inside GitHub Actions for months and I can't figure out what could be the reason for this. Is it could be because multiple GitHub Actions jobs trying to restore in same time and NuGet servers thinking it is spam and blocking it? build.yml: https://github.com/ShareX/ShareX/blob/develop/.github/workflows/build.yml#L72 failed workflow: https://github.com/ShareX/ShareX/actions/runs/4933908932/jobs/8818333221 Also I'm open to advices about how to retry GitHub Actions job when it fails once.
96 Replies
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
problem is because it happens randomly, even if i enable verbose logging, unfortunately we won't be able to reproduce the error immediately
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
but i have feeling that nuget servers just don't respond at all and then it timeouts
Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
hm which one i should select gonna try -v d
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
normally it takes around 1 minute to restore so I still have doubts about it timeouts because it takes too long to restore people restore very huge files which would take long time i still think it timeout because 5 jobs in same time trying to restore and nuget servers spam protection stops responding to one of them then it timeout after that
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Unknown Userโ€ข15mo ago
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
i will ofc add logs but we won't be able to get results for some time ๐Ÿ˜„ i will let you know when timeout happens again we didn't had to wait too long it happened in first commit lol
Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
Added -Verbosity detailed ยท ShareX/ShareX@9873022
ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of f...
Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
NuGet.Commands.CommandException: MsBuild timeout out while trying to get project to project references.
time to Google it
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Unknown Userโ€ข15mo ago
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
i still cannot find solution on Google
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
weirdly it is happens so frequently
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
i think it started to happen after i added 5. job thats why i felt like it is spam protection all 5 jobs could be sharing same ip and when all do restore in same time nuget servers could be thinking it is spam
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
yea i wonder can i find someone from nuget team in this server to ask ๐Ÿ˜‚
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
i dont think so
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
i did not manually create lockfile and dunno what it is
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
btw i was thinking what if i use "powershell try catch" to try restore again, would it work?
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
doing one more restore at catch i mean
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
but i would prefer to solve the main issue because this delays builds 2 minutes+
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago

Timeout in seconds for resolving project-to-project references.

Timeout in seconds for resolving project-to-project references.
I can try increasing this and see is it still timeout
nuget restore "${{ env.SOLUTION_FILE_PATH }}" -Project2ProjectTimeOut 300000 -Verbosity detailed
nuget restore "${{ env.SOLUTION_FILE_PATH }}" -Project2ProjectTimeOut 300000 -Verbosity detailed
5 mins timeout
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Unknown Userโ€ข15mo ago
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
waait is it seconds i used ms
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
MSBuild P2P timeout [ms]: 300000000 lol
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Unknown Userโ€ข15mo ago
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
yea logs mislead me
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
i dont think it can use same location on disk but how ip can be same is i dunno
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
one job currently stuck in nuget restore btw
Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
why github actions logs don't have timestamp blobthinking had them when you hovered line number
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
jesus it took 5 minutes to complete
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
so my theory of spam protection is invalidated
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
Added -Project2ProjectTimeOut 300000 ยท ShareX/ShareX@3b88f13
ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of f...
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Unknown Userโ€ข15mo ago
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
you can see the full logs right? when i open the page in browser incognito mode i cant see the logs
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Unknown Userโ€ข15mo ago
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
but probably requires login
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
nuget docs said detailed is max for nuget restore dotnet restore had higher level but dunno would that arg work for nuget restore
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Unknown Userโ€ข15mo ago
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
i saw it right before see your ss ๐Ÿ˜‚ i assumed it would be available when hovered with cursor like in appveyor
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
MonkaChrist github machines rubbish
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
or nuget servers rubbish difficult to know
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
it is pretty small
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
i dont even know what that command does
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
-Verbosity [normal|quiet|detailed] are you sure thats usable in nuget cli because what you are looking at is dotnet restore cli
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
thank you
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Jaexโ€ข15mo ago
you helped to diagnose a lot ๐Ÿ˜‚ i was more clueless before now i'm closer
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Unknown Userโ€ข15mo ago
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gerardโ€ข15mo ago
Maybe the problem is signature verification? It seems like it's a Windows thing: https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/11548 You can disable it with a env-variable:
Important: setting NUGET_CERT_REVOCATION_MODE to offline indeed improves restore times substantially (down to 1m 22s in this case). https://github.com/StackExchange/StackExchange.Redis/pull/1973/commits/275f5756cbc526df7e3bff8a82dac6dd52f2186d
[Bug]: Slow Restores on Windows in GitHub Actions - Signature verif...
NuGet Product Used dotnet.exe Product Version 6.0.101 Repro Steps & Context Running an identical restore in GitHub Actions, times are dramatically higher on Windows agents (2019 and 2022 tested...
gerardโ€ข15mo ago
If it's still slow, maybe you can try Windows Server 2019 (windows-2019) because windows-2022 used to be much slower. I don't know if this is still the case: https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/5166
Windows Server 2022 builds are taking 4x longer than on Windows Ser...
Description Over the last 2 weeks I've noticed runs on the windows-2022 image taking 4x longer, and sometimes more than that, than on the windows-2019 image. In all of these instances nothing&#...
Accordโ€ข14mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
Jaexโ€ข14mo ago
https://github.com/actions/cache/blob/main/examples.md#c---nuget I'm checking this now created empty packages.lock.json files which populated on first compile i wish i could use it in parent solution folder tho instead of each project folder
Jaexโ€ข14mo ago
https://github.com/ShareX/ShareX/actions/caches they did not put download button so can't verify cache content notlikeblob
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Unknown Userโ€ข14mo ago
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Jaexโ€ข14mo ago
am i need to use another parameter for nuget to restore from cache https://github.com/ShareX/ShareX/blob/develop/.github/workflows/build.yml#L70
- name: NuGet Restore
if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: nuget restore MyProject.sln
- name: NuGet Restore
if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: nuget restore MyProject.sln
let me try this
Jaexโ€ข14mo ago
@TeBeClone did you cache nuget packages before?
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Jaexโ€ข14mo ago
chatgpt couldn't help too ๐Ÿ˜‚ https://jaex.getsharex.com/2023/05/61KmjXWflu.png
Jaexโ€ข14mo ago
it shows what i already did i wonder is this path wrong for Windows: path: ~/.nuget/packages but if it were wrong then cache would be empty https://github.com/ShareX/ShareX/actions/caches 34 MB there i have suspicion now that nuget actually using cache correctly but still "GenerateRestoreGraphFile" part takes all that time
Accordโ€ข14mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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