❔ .NET MAUI Blazor Windows Application does not start
Hi I wanted to deploy my application, I followed this tutorial: https://learn.microsoft.com/de-de/dotnet/maui/windows/deployment/overview
However even after installing the certificate, I get this text when trying to install the msix:
The publisher certificate of this app package could not be verified.Contact your system administrator or the app developer to get a new app package with verified certificates. The root certificate and all the instant signature certificates in the app package need to be verified (0x800B010A)
Publish a .NET MAUI app for Windows - .NET MAUI
Learn how to package and publish a Windows .NET MAUI app.
22 Replies
your link seems broken
works for me
(nvm my internet is slow as fuck)
that link speaks nothing of a certificate
wrong link wtf
Veröffentlichen einer .NET MAUI-App in einem Ordner für Windows - ....
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine Windows .NET MAUI-App in einer Dateifreigabe in Visual Studio packen und veröffentlichen.
was a sub-link in that link
is your certificate a valid one?
Well I generated it in VS. It suggested me to generate it
i dont use VS iam trying to replicate that rn
but for me it works i think you could try regenerating that certificate and just try again maybe there was an error
hm kk. Why tf cant it just compile to a .exe? MSIX is cancer for deployment imo
versioning and certificates
i do that over build server with a always freshly fetched OS image which makes everything extremly clean when compiling and packing
msbuild /restore /t:build /p:TargetFramework=net6.0-windows10.0.19041 /p:configuration=release /p:WindowsAppSDKSelfContained=true /p:Platform=x64 /p:WindowsPackageType=None /p:RuntimeIdentifier=win10-x64
tho I somehow now was able to compile it with this command
and the .exe runs
why not use the dotnet build function?
dotnet cli is a lot more reliable from my experience
dotnet build
yeah could have used that, I just found that as solution in stackoverflow. At the beginning I thought publishing it as .exe does not work? Even MS claims that
so I did not even try
you first build an exe and then pack it into an installer
or you ship it directly
thats not the usual way but if it works it works
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