C#2y ago

Price estimation of smaller AirBnb type website

Around 15-20.000 lines of code on the backend alone and 100 endpoints. Fully functioning with support for reservations, cancellations, hosting, online and offline payment, chat system, exchange rate functionality for accurate pricing etc... Would be interesting to know what such a website may cost to produce. Anyone got any ideas? I know its hard to estimate but still
6 Replies
Mayor McCheese
Too many variables
ero2y ago
In what context? Like if you just work on it by yourself, it costs nothing I guess it costs the amount of hours your computer is turned on and how much electricity costs where you live
linqisniceOP2y ago
if i wanted to hire people to produce such a website. @Ero
Mayor McCheese
It's as little or as much as you want to pay
ero2y ago
And as little or as much as software engineers get paid where you are
Mayor McCheese
You could probably offshore the whole thing for 10k Having been in a startup Along the same lines we needed multiple rounds of bridge funding That includes operational costs though

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