mega evolution

The first pic is my scizor on its second mega evo, the second pic has never been mega evo’d. If I mega evolve one of them, does the other one cost less aswell?
17 Replies
The second one has been mega evo'ed earlier Or else it wouldn't show the mega image in the background
jayden15mo ago
Damn I did it to the wrong one
And no only the pokemon that has been mega evolved in the past gives you discount
jayden15mo ago
So did I just get confused?
jayden15mo ago
Okay my bad Appreciate it Also
jayden15mo ago
Does this mean I can’t mega for 7 days?
After 7 days you get a free mega evolution which costs zero energy
jayden15mo ago
Oh okay that’s cool thanks What if I mega within those 7 days
7 days will reset
jayden15mo ago
So am I better off waiting?
Better off walking to get mega energy So you don't have to worry about mega energy
jayden15mo ago
Okay Do I have to walk while it’s in its mega form to get mega energy?
jayden15mo ago
Does it have to mega evo atleast once?
Unlocked yes The mega evolution for that species has to be registered in dex That's all
jayden15mo ago
Oh right okay Thank you