set rules to rewrite and redirect requests through cloudflare to a public access S3 bucket
I have a public access S3 bucket, with a folder structure. I have a URL pattern (say https://<domain>/Sitemap.xml, i want this URL pattern (/Sitemap.xml) to be sent to the S3 bucket, but rewritten to a folder (/Pilot), so the rewritten URL will be <s3-origin>/Pilot/Sitemap.xml
6 Replies
If you can set up your bucket on your Custom Domain proxied, you can use a simple Transform Rule Rewrite URL like this:

You could use dynamic rewrite
to do your ask exactly as well, but since you're only matching sitemap.xml, no real advantage of that
If you are asking if you can make a specific file or host use your s3-origin directly, you can do so with Enterprise Origin Rules I believe. Otherwise, non-enterprise cannot override the host header/dns recordThanks, I will use the dynamic rewrite logic, as I have other URLs that start with Sitemap that need to be coverd, so dynamic works best
i do have enterprise license, but in the origin rewrite rules, it wouldn't take the s3 origin directly - I added the Host Header, but when I click save, it says either the host or port should not be empty. I think I found a solution - add a DNS record CNAME'd to the S3 and add that in the "DNS Record" Override to, but I am not sure if this is the correct approach

I believe that is the kind of setup they recommend:
As long as it works, should be fine.
You can just change the
URI Path
to starts with
and the path rewrite to dynamic
concat("/pilot", http.request.uri.path)
, should work without issuesThis is helpful and I can confirm it is working. Thanks very much