Batch Antivirus

As the previous thread was archived I'm creating this one because I'm doing some changes
60 Replies
anic17OP•2y ago
Several bugs have been fixed in Deep Scanner which makes it more effective against malware And I'm thinking of making a Batch Antivirus launcher, what do you think? I've already made one but it's ugly asf Let me know if you have any suggestion
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•2y ago
seems like a neat idea, do you mean like a TUI?
anic17OP•2y ago
yes something like that
Hydra Dragon Antivirus
I can give you 45 million hashes.
anic17OP•2y ago
Are they sha256? @UEFI Ransomware
Hydra Dragon Antivirus
No I have only 700k in SHA256 files.
anic17OP•2y ago
"only" If you could share the database somehow I'd highly appreciate it
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•2y ago
Do you have any concepts yet? I'd love to see what you have in mind
anic17OP•2y ago
Well not really I just made a launch menu But i don't quite like it
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•2y ago
Do you use arrow keys or something to navagate it, or is it more of a "1.) option1 2.) option2 : selection an option" type thing? Because I can't imagine capturing keypresses with batch unless you can use the WinAPI in batch
anic17OP•2y ago
1 option 2 option xd there are a couple of ways to do it without external programs
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•2y ago
anic17OP•2y ago
No, directly with batch
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•2y ago
anic17OP•2y ago
choice command and xcopy command trick
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•2y ago
I've never heard of it, but it sounds like a hacky way to do it
anic17OP•2y ago
Batch Antivirus can now scan the executables of the current running processes
Hydra Dragon Antivirus
I have total 6 million SHA256 hashes. 5 million with name. Of the virus Opps 6.65m 5.65 virus names.
anic17OP•2y ago
Batch Antivirus
Batch Antivirus, a powerful antivirus suite written in batch with real-time protection and heuristical scanning.
anic17OP•11mo ago
New update to Batch Antivirus - DB updates - Improved Deep Scan module - Added Windows Defender tamper detection - Improved administration requirement detection - Improved fork bomb detection - Adjusted weight of each particular detection in order to reduce false positives and false negatives Added .LowConfidence suffix on detections to avoid alerting the user when the detection isn't clear I'm working on BAV which will have a completely new folder structure, a launcher menu, and many improvements in BAV.bat (which has been renamed to BAVDisk.bat btw as BAV.bat is now the launcher) A couple of bugs have been fixed in relation with deep scanner - Detection for obfuscated files wasn't working properly - Argument parsing errors caused the program to ignore command-line arguments Greatly improved the quality of the readme and added extensive information Do you think that saying "World's most precise automated batch file behavior analyzer." is an exaggeration? I couldn't find any program, even professional antiviruses or sandboxes that detect so well the behavior of a particular batch file Released Batch Antivirus v3.2.0 - Includes these changes previously mentioned - Bug fixes - Database update Added detection for VM avoiding in deep scan
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•11mo ago
How do you go about detecting for a VM in batch? Just a curious question
Includes these changes previously mentioned
For future releases it may be better to say what changes where actually done, it'll prove useful if you want to do something like a Github release it's best to just be verbose about it I would be nice if you had a github link at the top of this post or pinned somewhere
anic17OP•11mo ago
GitHub - anic17/Batch-Antivirus: Batch Antivirus, a powerful antivi...
Batch Antivirus, a powerful antivirus suite written in batch with real-time protection and heuristical scanning. - anic17/Batch-Antivirus
anic17OP•11mo ago
Malware that detects VMs usually check for certain files only present on virtual machines (for example, some drivers) and weird vendor/BIOS information, such as Microsoft instead of American Megatrends like HKLM\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Tools a regular computer doesn't have these registry keys I usually do that on big releases, but as a small dev log, I felt like it wasn't that essential
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•11mo ago
Ah alright
anic17OP•11mo ago
Improved the detection capabilities of Batch Antivirus inside archives packed with Batch File Packer (BFP)
anic17OP•11mo ago
That's how it looks like now
No description
anic17OP•11mo ago
Batch Antivirus website blocking has been improved with better website IP obtention + multiple IPs per single website, thus increasing the chances of detecting the access to a blocked site. On a technical note, it switched from ping to nslookup Plus a couple of bugs were fixed in RealTimeProtection.bat and BAVWebsiteBlocker.bat
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•11mo ago
Can you elaborate on what this mean for the dumb dumbs like me who don't understand? What kind of bug?
anic17OP•11mo ago
Basically ping just, as the name says, pings the page, where nslookup gets (looksup) the name system (ns) info of a website This way I can retrieve if a domain has multiple IPs associated with it I was doing my tests with and because they both have 3 or 4 IPs and it did work well In real time protection there was a bug related to a non-escaped string which caused BAV to potentially write to a file outside of the log file As per the website blocker, can't remember exactly but what something very minor
Hydra Dragon Antivirus
Hydra Dragon Antivirus•11mo ago
Please tag me on database updates.
anic17OP•11mo ago
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•11mo ago
How well does Windows support ANSI? I would like to see some color in the output here if possible I think it would be a very neat addition if possible From my understanding of Windows it is possible to at least check if it's enabled
anic17OP•11mo ago
I could try adding that These two coming weeks I'm extremely busy and I don't think I'll have time to do it Maybe tomorrow afternoon but can't promise anything tbh
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•11mo ago
Thats perfectly fine, I hope all is well with you. I'm just spitting out ideas no pressure on getting them implemented.
anic17OP•11mo ago
Yeah I'm just in my batxillerat final week rn
anic17OP•10mo ago
Batch Antivirus - Program Dream
As the previous thread was archived I'm creating this one because I'm doing some changes
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•10mo ago
Huh,,, Weird. I mean I've seen websites that steal answers from stack and put it on their sight But Discord Seems like everything on our server is on answeroverflow I don't really see it as a bad thing though
not rob
not rob•10mo ago
Program Dream Community - Answer Overflow
We’re a community of programmers. We’re developing 🌎 Websites, 🎮 Games, 🤖 Discord bots, and various applications in
not rob
not rob•10mo ago their goal is to index Discord servers, yeah
GitHub - AnswerOverflow/AnswerOverflow: Indexing Discord Help Chann...
Indexing Discord Help Channel Questions into Google - AnswerOverflow/AnswerOverflow
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•10mo ago
Yeah I saw I think it's nice to preserve Discord servers
not rob
not rob•10mo ago
It is, I wonder if he has considered the legal risk he's taking Reminds me of the thingy
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•10mo ago
That's what I was thinking But seeing as it's open source, I think it'll have less of an issue like had It's also a free service
not rob
not rob•10mo ago
The data is not open-source, it's just the code He also does sell an enterprise version with your own domain and no ads 🤨 Their privacy policy doesn't hold for EU at least (so he'd have to make sure to filter out content from people in the EU)
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•10mo ago
But unlike it's not required to use the service. Keeping the data private makes sense in a way, but also that could be used maliciously Does he?
not rob
not rob•10mo ago
It's either him or whoever added this server to his bot (unless he's a subprocessor in Discord's privacy policy) Would be funny if someone sues but I don't think anyone cares enough
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•10mo ago
It's also not being used in any harmful way, at least that we know of yet. So I wouldn't even see a reason to go out and sue him.
not rob
not rob•10mo ago
Yeah, the intention is different for his project
anic17OP•8mo ago
No description
anic17OP•8mo ago
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird•8mo ago
Is this batch antivirus being detected as a virus or a virus that it should be detecting but isn't?
anic17OP•8mo ago
batch antivirus is getting detected as a virus Apparently Windows Defender doesn't like the createObject("Microsoft\.XMLHTTP") string but removing create removes the flagging
SpectraMC•5mo ago
HTML code for new website of the Batch Antivirus (maybe) (Repost because it fits more here)
SpectraMC•5mo ago
Everyone can use this code for their projects 🙂
anic17OP•5mo ago
hmm it would be better if it followed the overall design of all the websites
SpectraMC•5mo ago
Thats why i made it i wanted it to "stick out" yk?
anic17OP•5mo ago
well I'd like to maintain a standard across all websites
SpectraMC•5mo ago
SpectraMC•5mo ago
Hey guys, i made a Batch skript, making you able to remove the Intercept feature:
GitHub - Jo8ujethoia/BAV-RemoveIntercept: Addon for BAV, removing I...
Addon for BAV, removing Intercept after running it. - Jo8ujethoia/BAV-RemoveIntercept
anic17OP•4mo ago
Nice However keep in mind that it trashed the file extensions for me because it first deletes the current associations and then tries to import the registry files Deleting the registry isn't necessary and is in fact dangerous; it is better to try and overwrite it directly with the RegBackup files, if it doesn't work, at least it doesn't entirely delete your file associations Luckily I had an open terminal and I was able to use reg import to fix it, but I couldn't run any program on my PC neither from Windows + R nor from the Start menu, not even Task Manager with CTRL + SHIFT + ESC @Lonox Launcher Merged USBCleaner and USBScan into a single module

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