"This route already exists." while not existing

So, im trying to make an worker, but i get "This route already exists." while it doesn't exist, only in a whole different worker.
6 Replies
Walshy2y ago
only in a whole different worker.
so it does You can't have 2 Workers on the same route, it wouldn't know where to go If you want to chain Workers, service bindings are your friend - https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/platform/bindings/about-service-bindings/
KomasOP2y ago
but i need both of them to go to *.domain.com/* and no, i don't want to do that
Walshy2y ago
What are you trying to achieve exactly?
KomasOP2y ago
basically, one of the workers puts an maintenance on every pages, the other one puts it on one single page, and in that worker's code, i want to only change one line (the url to block)
Walshy2y ago
Why use 2 workers for this rather than just one? But your options are to only add the route for the page you want the maintenance page on, use service bindings or use 1 Worker
KomasOP2y ago

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