Tailwindcss vs CSS

I personally don't like tailwindcss but ive noticed that now a days alot of examples or videos seem to gravitate using tailwindcss, is tailwindcss just an overall better way to do styles ? why is everyone using it now?
3 Replies
Tenkes2y ago
Some people like it more than regular css. Maybe they don't like having to think of names for classes, or just find it nice to style app without having to leave HTML, or they use it just because it's popular... you never know. No need to use it if you don't like it.
b1mind2y ago
Don't be pressured just cause the hype. Learn CSS and if you enjoy it use it. Learn Grid and the power it unlocks. There are many ways to author CSS, like postCSS, SCSS, LESS, Stylus. Tailwind is a utility framework, nothing stopping you from writing your own utilities, or taking example from Open Props, or Pico. Bootstrap has its popularity too but honestly I think if you know CSS you can work with any of the things rather easy. Where as learning one thing you might not and vendor lock is meh. Also I think people miss the fact that lots of companies (at least bigger ones) use Design Systems that are tailored to be on brand and developed with designers for a fluid component makeup. Styled component libraries are popular too for the same reason.
Zoë2y ago
It's good for consistency and you don't have to put in the work to make your own Design System. Tailwind is actually decent, I have no plans on ever using it in production but I see why people like it. A lot of people who look down on CSS frameworks think that Tailwind is as bad as bootstrap, it's a lot better because it still gives you freedom. I am someone who would rather do things myself, and so I make my own design systems, however in the end I'm essentially doing what Tailwind does but it's a lot neater and better packaged. I however recognise that it adds a bit more time, but it's a better DX, but also the end result is going to be the same (matching the design that happened beforehand). If you want to make your own design system, I can recommend https://blog.maximeheckel.com/posts/building-a-design-system-from-scratch/ If you want more options for CSS Frameworks, fairly lightweight and allow for a good foundation for you to improve it - https://picocss.com/ - https://picturepan2.github.io/spectre/ - https://milligram.io/ - http://getskeleton.com/ - https://picnicss.com/ - https://purecss.io/ Work can be easily translated from CSS to Tailwind so at the end of the day if you're working at the component level you just need to translate the styles into classes and you're good to go.
Building a Design System from scratch - Maxime Heckel's Blog
A deep dive into my experience building my own design system that documents my process of defining tokens, creating efficient components, and shipping them as a package.

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