Can't read from MemoryStream from current position
I am trying to decrypt a file in c# and I have the cipher in a memory stream alongside the key and iv. I want to only get the cipher which starts at 256, and after reading the Key and IV the position is 256. I have tried using memoryStream.toArray() but that ignores the position completely.
33 Replies
What do you mean you "can't read" ?
@Jakee are you confusing bit length with byte length? Key and IV combined should be 256 bits, but memory stream position is in bytes not bits.
I might be
But my key and iv are encrypted
and I'm pretty sure there size is 128 bytes each
No, it should be 16 bytes
128 bits
Can't use memoryStream.ToArray() because it gets everything and idk
Im using aes to encrypt them and it results in them being 128 bytes each
then i decrypt and they are back to 32 bytes and 16 bytes respectively
key, iv#
Basically, I am encrypting the key, iv, and file bytes and putting them into a memory stream (in that order)
the size of the encrypted key and iv are 128 each and the size of the encrypted file depends on its unencrypted size (usually just a couple hundred more bytes)
so basically ur issue is that u dont know how to read from current stream position to end?
now I want to get that stuff out of the memory stream and with key and iv its fine I can just memoryStream.Read() but i cant use that for the cipher because i can't make it a set size
maybe i am missusing memoryStream.Read()
Memory stream read calls just read from the current stream position, so you just seek to the position you want and then call Read
after reading the encrypted key and iv I am already at the position I want to be at
but idk what parameters to give read
to read from where I am till end of line
You pass a buffer into Read and it fills that buffer.
so literally just
I ignore the other parameters?
what count should i give it
MemoryStream.Read Method (System.IO)
Reads a sequence of bytes from the current memory stream and advances the position within the memory stream by the number of bytes read.
Yes but I do not know what maximum to give it then
since the file can be any size
Typically you would read in chunks.
ur stream has a
and a Position
property so u can compute the sizeRather than try to read an entire file (which could be very large) into a single in-memory array.
However in your case you said it's already a memory stream
so input.Length - input.Position?
but as mreit said, usually chunk sized because u dont want a 4gb file in memory ;p
So it's already in memory
its a school project it will never be given something that large
I am testing on a 36kb file
So...if you really need to, yes you can just compute the remaining size by subtracting what you've read already.
They just want to test us on encryption
I'll try it

1 sec

what do i set it as
You need to create an instance of the correct length
byte[] originalFileCipher;
is just declaring a variable, it has no value yet, but u try to use it as one, so its complainingOk it worked
the file successfully decrypted and I can see its contents
Thanks guys :)
yes ik just asking what I should put lol
Just FYI, there is no good reason to encrypt the IV.
usually u do it in chunks, as mtreit already mentioned, because u dont want ur ram to explode if the file is large
Yea we know that is a risk but my lecturer won't try that
we are just getting tested on encryption etc
its for securing applications
Not sure what you mean by risk.
I'm just saying that even in real-world encryption the initialization vector is typically not encrypted. It's not sensitive information.
Anyway, that's just an aside.