Is it possible to setup a controller for manual transmission in vehicles?

I'm using an xbox one controller, and it didn't initially work with fivem, as I own the R* games version, so I launched it through steam for steam controller support and got my controller to work, but I'm having difficulty trying to figure out how to get it to work with manual - whenever I enable the manual transmission in the J menu, it shifts in automatic still, and says it's in neutral on the speedometer - and, I can't seem to set my controller's X button (not home, X from the ABXY buttons) as a keybind in the FiveM keybinds to downshift... anyone have any suggestions?
28 Replies
equal-aquaOP2y ago
update: i've managed to get into manual mode now, but I can only shift up, maybe I'm setting the keybind wrong or something I would like to use the X button to shift down, is the correct console command for that bind PAD_ANALOGBUTTON X "rsm_transmission -> shiftdown"? right now, X shifts me up and only up I would like to shift down with X and up with B
يونجي2y ago
i believe if you go in settings > keybinds > fivem you would find it
equal-aquaOP2y ago
I have rebound these - but I can only bind the B button, since the X button is to delete a keybind, the moment I try and set X as the keybind it just deletes it and leaves a "???" in its place - though I assume this is beyond the scope of RSM and is fivem/gta itself that's the only reason that I'm even entertaining the idea of trying to keybind through the console tbh normally, I would just rebind from the keybinds menu I also don't believe those keybinds actually affect shifting
يونجي2y ago
yeah it does sound like a engine issue, how did it get unbinded in first place 😅 oh by the way for manual mode you type /manual in chat not the J menu that’s for steering wheel
equal-aquaOP2y ago
honestly, I don't really remember what the bindings were before I started poking around with it, but I wanted manual with X to shift down and B to shift up, and I just went to bind it to that, and then started running into trivial problem after trivial problem
يونجي2y ago
forgot to clarify that
equal-aquaOP2y ago
i did find this out, eventually, it took me a minute to realize it though I'm new to FiveM entirely, this is a brand new experience to me so pardon any ignorance of basic stuff I may be looking over
يونجي2y ago
no problem 🙂 no no you’re good welcome i’m glad to help
equal-aquaOP2y ago
oops, I pasted an imgur link and my message was removed firstly - thank you for the assistance 🙏 I'm in manual mode now and it's working but X and B are flipped and inside of the settings > keybinds > fivem menu, neither of the shift up/down keybinds are set to anything at all, both of them are cleared I just set them through the console, but it says that it's a keyboard keybind for whatever reason IO KEYBOARD NULL rsm_transmission -> ~!shiftdown IO KEYBOARD NULL rsm_transmission -> shiftdown IO KEYBOARD NULL rsm_transmission -> shiftup
يونجي2y ago
its how rsm got it set up like if i remember correctly
equal-aquaOP2y ago
just to clarify - there's no way to change that from the client side? the only reason that I'm so adamant about it is because I have 5-6 years of forza with the control scheme of X - down / B - up if I just need to adjust to it, that's cool, but I was going to try to exhaust all possibilities of trying to get it configured that way before giving up, worst case maybe just swapping the steam controller layout for the game
يونجي2y ago
does not seem like a way i tried searching online and couldn't find anything
equal-aquaOP2y ago
I had already been searching prior to this thread, but, upon one final search, I just don't think that I see any way to do it, either - oh well, all is well, I figure the steam controller workaround should be fine
يونجي2y ago
rbind rsm_transmission PAD_DIGITALBUTTON RLEFT "shiftup" rbind rsm_transmission PAD_DIGITALBUTTON RDOWN "shiftdown" bind those in f8 🙂
equal-aquaOP2y ago
bruhhhh 🤔what does rbind do?
يونجي2y ago
its binding for scripts instead of writing just bind you can find your fivem binds at AppData\Roaming\CitizenFX then open fivem file with notepad
equal-aquaOP2y ago
so, that worked, B upshifts for me now, but now X doesn't do anything I can see it shift gears for a FRACTION of a second to try to downshift I think it's shifting down and up at the same time
يونجي2y ago
oh wait maybe you have it binded twice for up and down RLEFT is X button RRIGHT B button
equal-aquaOP2y ago
i tweaked the two you pasted before to reflect this before putting them in console Interestingly enough
يونجي2y ago
rbind rsm_transmission PAD_DIGITALBUTTON RLEFT "shiftdown" rbind rsm_transmission PAD_DIGITALBUTTON RRIGHT "shiftup" sorry for confusion 😅
equal-aquaOP2y ago
so if I go into the keybinding GUI in settings, and I go and remove the keybind to shift down with X, (I assume those commands replaced it here), it makes it default to shifting up again, even with nothing bound in the keybind settings GUI I just ran these again to double check - these were what I did run before though when you gave me the lines above ^ but still, when I press X I see the gear change for a SPLIT moment but I remain in the same gear, it won't shift down
يونجي2y ago
i also managed to bind them ingame
يونجي2y ago
you basically hold the button on the controller and press esc on your keyboard to exist the menu before it resets it lol can unbind these and try one i just wrote
equal-aquaOP2y ago
I just managed to bind it doing this
يونجي2y ago
i hope it worked, because both methods worked for me 😅
equal-aquaOP2y ago
for whatever reason, now, I can't shift into reverse or 4th, though 🤔 (4th is highest, i'm in the dart) I'm going to try and relaunch without using steam controller, maybe that's my issue - there has been the occasional time or two over the years that that has been problematic the amount of frustration that I am experiencing right now is an unspeakable amount in words for whatever reason, any time the binds are seemingly how I want them, I can neither shift down into reverse nor into my highest gear
يونجي2y ago
i am sorry that you are experiencing that, can do your steam configuration method. or suggest the server changes it keybinds for controller users
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equal-aquaOP2y ago
ultimately, I guess it's not really the biggest problem in the world to get used to it reversed than my normal layout

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