Simple Colour Selector
Picking colours can be tedious, I made a simple colour selector as a starting point for projects. If you need an orange, here's a nice orange, and it also comes with a darker tone to accent. Click the colour to copy the hex code.
I have to mention that this peaked at 5th place highest rated product of the day on Product Hunt 7 years ago. It still gets a lot of traffic so I know I'm not alone in using it.

27 Replies
... and over the past 7 years another 5774 colour picker and palette generator web sites showed up 😂
Why is it that devs have so much trouble picking colours and need these tools? /shrug
Picking colours is difficult so we want tools, but other websites provide so many choices that it's difficult to pick colours again, which is why I like this and I assume why it's still getting thousands of unique visitors a day
sure, but why is it difficult?
actually I have no idea what your tool's supposed to do or solve. 🤔
All it does in FF is show me an animated circle if I click the swatches. The hex drop down can't be edited.
I'll check with Chrome ...
Click the colours to copy the hex
and that's it? and the drop down changes the
in front?
Fixed palette?It used to support different types but it broke like 5 years ago and nobody used the different types so I was lazy and didn't fix it, I've been meaning to update this for a while
It's a fixed palette so there's no choice paralysis
lol - "paradox of choice" ... ok then.
But why these colours? is it b/c they work for people with a color vision deficiency?
I understand colour theory and luckily have 100% vision, so I don't get it why this would be useful. I certainly can't use the same 20 colors for all my clients 🙂
I can pick two (safe) colours for a client's CI (web, print, whatnot), add an optional accent colour and a complementary if need be. Make sure they all work well in black and white (print), against car windows, in a newspaper etc.
What I always need are color ramp generators that I can feed with these colours like or
The website is just there for if you need a colour quickly. I often start with them but tweak once I'm working on the project, they're a nice starting place
I like to throw stuff onto CodePen and I don't want to waste time picking or finding the perfect colour, I know these colours are good and work well for most things. This was the primary reason for creating the page
make sense... I often check the Corbusier palette for inspiration.
well, if you ever plan to update/fix: a swatch to see two (or three) colors side-by-side would be nice to see if they go well together.
That's what I like about Paletton, but that one's partially broken too 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
I was about to share what my new site was going to be but it's going to be a little while until I have time to work on it and it's not just going to be like any colour picker site (the market is saturated). I already have the domain tho
to sell hi-end tooth picks?

I don't understand the reference = picker... professional... = tooth picks not made from cheap wood ...
tooth pick instantly popped into my mind when I read the domain name, sorry.
stupid, I know 😄
I see
Unknown User•2y ago
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The font looks horrible now tho
Again, I had intended to replace this many years ago
Unknown User•2y ago
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You can fork it, button bottom right
I'd love to see any changes you make to it, but I did write it a while ago and I expect the code quality to not be very good
Unknown User•2y ago
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Unknown User•2y ago
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If you go to the details and scroll down to the bottom you can find the MIT licence that this code is under, you are free to move it into a repo
Unknown User•2y ago
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Basically do what you want and copy that licence into the work so people know where it came from
Unknown User•2y ago
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