For media query min-width or max-width is better to choose? And is consistency important?

Can I use like %30 times min-width and %70 times max-width in my stylesheet in media queries?
3 Replies
Mert Efe
Mert EfeOP2y ago
I'm developing desktop first always. Trying to see if there's a productive path to follow
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell2y ago
I use whatever means I have less to overwrite. So like, a navigation might have a lot of unique styles for small screens, and you'd be overwritting those for larger screens... Insteqd of that, max-width Most of the time, I use min-width because most of the time it means less work
Mert Efe
Mert EfeOP2y ago
thank you for response agreed after doing more scss coding i realized min-width is more (maintainable) most of the time or less oeffort indeed

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