Rider not showing localdb?
Hey all!
I'm learning about db migrations and created one successfully. However, when I go to the database tab in rider, it doesn't show my db or tables.
what am I doing wrong?
9 Replies
my db name is "RecipeApplication" but i can't seem to find it
did you apply the migration as well?
oh kek
I see the output window
yes by "dotnet ef database update", right?
what if you update the URL in the data sources window to match what EF is using?
it matches the server
my config file:
I assume the migration creates the db as well, no?
I don't see a
in this window
yesohhh.... clicking randomly does help kek
apparently rider does that thing where it hides stuff from you
by clicking those numbers, I was able to force it to show the database
bad design if you ask me but ohh well, as long as it worked xD
Thanks for the help!