C#15mo ago

Using Azure Managed Identities API

I am trying to get an api token using azure managed identity through an application hosted by azure app services, when trying to get the token through a get request using System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSI_ENDPOINT"); as my endpoint I get a 403 status on the response, any ideas what I could be missing?
16 Replies
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese15mo ago
Where are you making the request?
JustiPhi15mo ago
im getting the system evironment variable MSI Endpoint and then adding on an api version and resource as url parameters
JustiPhi15mo ago
JustiPhi15mo ago
the token will be used in future requests to get devops build/release pipeline information if that helps
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese15mo ago
There's another env var iirc that gets rotated automatically
JustiPhi15mo ago
forgot to mention, not sure if it matters for that but this is hosted on azure app services hence why im not making the call to cos that requires it to be on a vm
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese15mo ago
JustiPhi15mo ago
i have tried using that adding in header "Secret" with that env var as the value that wasnt working either, same 403 issue
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese15mo ago
Try x-identity-header
JustiPhi15mo ago
so would that be httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("x-identity-header", msiSecret);? also do you by chance know what resource i should be using, is it dev.azure.com? ive had multiple examples using that and management.azure.com
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese15mo ago
Oh GET /MSI/token?resource=https://vault.azure.net&api-version=2019-08-01 HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:4141 X-IDENTITY-HEADER: 853b9a84-5bfa-4b22-a3f3-0b9a43d9ad8a Example from MSI docs
JustiPhi15mo ago
im about to head home, any chance you can link that doc page for me, ill take a look once i get there
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese15mo ago
Managed identities - Azure App Service
Learn how managed identities work in Azure App Service and Azure Functions, how to configure a managed identity and generate a token for a back-end resource.
JustiPhi15mo ago
Thanks changed over header and got an error 500 nevermind had wrong resource on that 200
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese15mo ago
JustiPhi15mo ago
have confirmed the token is in the response, thank you for your help
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