dashboard route

Hello. I have a problem with dashboard config I have a Category and CategoryArticle Models I have a dashboard config in twill.php
'dashboard' => [
'modules' =>
'categories' =>
'name' => 'categories',
'label' => 'Category',
'create' => true,
'search' => true,
'count' => true,
'category' =>
'name' => 'categoryArticle',
'label' => 'Article',
'create' => true,
'search' => true,
'count' => true,
'dashboard' => [
'modules' =>
'categories' =>
'name' => 'categories',
'label' => 'Category',
'create' => true,
'search' => true,
'count' => true,
'category' =>
'name' => 'categoryArticle',
'label' => 'Article',
'create' => true,
'search' => true,
'count' => true,
With config like that id i go to dashboard I have a error
Route [twill.categoryArticle.index] not defined.
Route [twill.categoryArticle.index] not defined.
my route twill.php file
where I make a error.? Thx for answer
10 Replies
bohousOP2y ago
when I change name from categoryArticle to categories.articles I have other error Target class [App\Repositories\Categories.articleRepository] does not exist.
Try to setup it like this
'dashboard' => [
'modules' =>
'App\Models\Category' =>
'name' => 'categories',
'label' => 'Category',
'create' => true,
'search' => true,
'count' => true,
'App\Models\CategoryArticle' =>
'name' => 'categoryArticle',
'label' => 'Article',
'create' => true,
'search' => true,
'count' => true,
'dashboard' => [
'modules' =>
'App\Models\Category' =>
'name' => 'categories',
'label' => 'Category',
'create' => true,
'search' => true,
'count' => true,
'App\Models\CategoryArticle' =>
'name' => 'categoryArticle',
'label' => 'Article',
'create' => true,
'search' => true,
'count' => true,
Change the name of the Models if needed, this just an example. @bohous
bohousOP2y ago
thnks but to same error. my config now
'modules' =>
'\App\Models\Category' =>
'name' => 'categories',
'label' => 'Category',
'create' => true,
'search' => true,
'count' => true,
'\App\Models\CategoryArticle' =>
'name' => 'categoryArticle',
'label' => 'Article',
'create' => true,
'search' => true,
'count' => true,
'modules' =>
'\App\Models\Category' =>
'name' => 'categories',
'label' => 'Category',
'create' => true,
'search' => true,
'count' => true,
'\App\Models\CategoryArticle' =>
'name' => 'categoryArticle',
'label' => 'Article',
'create' => true,
'search' => true,
'count' => true,
Route [twill.categoryArticle.index] not defined.
Route [twill.categoryArticle.index] not defined.
Are you sure that this is related to this setup? That looks like a twill-navigation.php error Something is off in your naming of \App\Models\CategoryArticle. Try to use nested module route there.
bohousOP2y ago
my setup is step to step to same as in documentation for nested modules. what kind of route you mean.?
bohousOP2y ago
but it is look like for parent-child modules the dashboard isnt work . may some code improvement will be help. if will be there a new array key for that purpose. In fashboardController:529 . Anytime isnt way to ovveride that class.?
To be honest, idk really how that should work. Ping @ifox.dev
ifox2y ago
in a dashboard.modules entry you can specify a repository key
ifox2y ago
twill/DashboardController.php at 29db4a8c6ce25263c0c3f86ecdff568b0d...
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