❔ newb question multiple projects same solution

how would one go about opening a form from a seperate project in the same solution? i cannot find terminology's to even google what im asking for
38 Replies
Milenov15mo ago
using directive should do the trick
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
this basically?
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
if this works i will be super fuckin happy,i spent ages fixing this guys code and adding comments, if i have to redo the design of the forms too i will cry
Milenov15mo ago
Milenov15mo ago
that actually you need to use your own namespace
Thinker15mo ago
Right click on Dependencies under the top project, then add project reference, then click the checkbox for your other project. After thst you need to, as mentioned, as a using statement for your namespace.
Milenov15mo ago
well generally your gui should be independent
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
yeah i figured at top but yeah will have a mess around with file paths (think ill just copy his folder into my own project folder then go from there) and hope it works
Milenov15mo ago
if you're looking to actually make improvements in the future
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
np will do this too yeah ill probably remember this, its a school thing, wasnt ever told how to use multiple projects in same solution
Milenov15mo ago
i'm a newbie as well i feel your struggle 🙂
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
ive done most of this other guys work and had 3 hours sleep a night because of other subject assignments, im close to putting my head through keyboard brain not work much now
Milenov15mo ago
take a break would probably do you good
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
cant, everything due for friday
Milenov15mo ago
well i'd love to help if i can
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
even lecturers are a bit confused why they gave us 5 assignments ontop of eachother lol
Milenov15mo ago
do you got it on github ?
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
once this bits done, i just need to do a write up but thanks anyway lol all i need to do is just get one button to load the other project
Milenov15mo ago
i got my own struggle right now as well. I got a simple Snake game, and i want to do a multiplayer for it 🙂 sounds simple enough. Correct the dependencies as Thinker said and you should be done with it 🙂
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
ah, yeah havent touched networking yet, thankfully any experience i have in that area was handled by the engines themselves
Milenov15mo ago
make sure the other projects classes are accessible as well i haven't really worked with any game engines
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
i might get away without that, both projects are seperate games self contained, one just contains a menu to load them some are forgiving others are cruel
Thinker15mo ago
Well you need classes that you want to access across projects to be public.
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
i may just laze out on his half and say he never bothered making high scores a thing ive done too much correction on his work "what i would do to improve the project" then just write about the flaws on it should cover it in the write up
Milenov15mo ago
i would consider this a good experience cause when you do it proffessionally you would have to correct a lot of code 🙂
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
honestly if this guy did this little work and left it to me to fix and actually get it working id expect him not to make it out of probation its just a drag and drop game, i dont know how he didnt get it working other than just being lazy for some reason he put console code in it pretty sure he just copy pastad stuff and didnt read
Milenov15mo ago
are those all quiz games ?
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
yeah supposed to be educational, my own project wasnt even this hard but in trying not to tear down everything he did i ended up just causing more problem tryna make sense out of what he did do not a single comment anywhere i just made a spelling game where you click a button, a word plays you type it, beat the timer,
Milenov15mo ago
if he was able to write you would probably don't need those sometimes it's faster to do it from scratch
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
unfortunatly need them for the writeup part of the assignment for examples
Milenov15mo ago
take a break and consider your option
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
oh its all fixed now, just need to make this button work
Milenov15mo ago
well congrats 🙂
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
MAYBE later if i have energy ill share classes so he can display usernames on top
Milenov15mo ago
GitHub - rmilenov/Snake
Contribute to rmilenov/Snake development by creating an account on GitHub.
Milenov15mo ago
check this out 🙂
SirRodgerBottoms15mo ago
nice, plays well, when i finish up my assignments ill take a dig through your code and see if i can pick up anything, we being taught sloppy old ways of doing things, plus im very interested in how you did the grid movement
Accord15mo ago
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