Edge TTL not working for Janusgraph with Bigtable

I'm creating edges with TTL of 30 seconds but I can see those edges aren't getting deleted. I'm using Janusgraph 0.6.1 and I'm able to see a TTL of 30 seconds when I do gmt.getTTL(mgmt.getEdgeLabel("ttlTest3")).getSeconds(). What can be the cause of this?
2 Replies
Florian Hockmann
Since the Bigtable backend is basically the same as the HBase backend, you could be affected by this: https://github.com/JanusGraph/janusgraph/issues/990
hbase ttl does not take effect totally · Issue #990 · JanusGraph/ja...
by setting ttl as followed: JanusgraphSchemaType user = mgmt.makeVertexLabel("user").setStatic().make(); mgmt.setTTL(user, Duration.ofMinutes(5)); After writing data into janusgraph conti...
yadav.sunny05OP2y ago
Thank you

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