`./xr-terminal.sh` behaviour
opens alacritty
on my main monitor. Despite a monado-service
running connected to my North Star. Stardust XR does seem to be connecting to the service and showing my hands on the headset though.
7 Replies

@Saphira Kai
i know i need to add in the environment variable stuffs to stardust
but can you bodge it for now?
mmm i'll deal with this after i've slept lol..
sure thing
no hurry :3
All good, also https://github.com/StardustXR/telescope/pull/2
Add -f flag to rm so that the script doesn't exit by sambilbow · Pu...
Hi, if logs/ is empty, the util.sh script exits, causing any scripts that source it to fail silently. e.g.:
❯ ./xr-terminal.sh
rm: cannot remove 'logs/*': No such file or directory
Adding t...
I dont know if this is necessary, but it might help in general (not with this issue)