
I've cards with picture on top and the name below. Inside grid system. Now everything is fine as long as the name is within one line. If it goes to the second line the name section which has padding and background-color increase in height due to more text but I want the name section of all the cards in that line to be the same height no matter how much content, they all should change. I gave min-height to the game_card_wrapper which did increase it's height and all the others but name section kept it's original height . What should be the solution. game_card_wrapper game_name game_name a
1 Reply
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2y ago
Hi. As far as I can work out each card is it’s own separate grid so each card can’t “know” what another card is doing as regards contents. For the name element to expand to the longest contents of all the cards they would need to be in the same grid.

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