✅ How to add a nuget dependencies on a Source generator project?
I basically want to import this dependencies called Newtonsoft.Json, but it seems like it can't be find the assembly elsewhere.. anyone knows how?

6 Replies
You have to bundle the dlls into your package... There's a discussion or something on it somewhere
Ah no, it's in the cookbook: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/main/docs/features/source-generators.cookbook.md#use-functionality-from-nuget-packages
roslyn/source-generators.cookbook.md at main · dotnet/roslyn
The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs. - roslyn/source-generators.cookbook.md at main · dotnet/roslyn
it quite an inconvenient, but I'll take it, thanks!
Yepyep, but most of SG authorship falls into that category
Just be thankful it's possible...
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