Kysely2y ago

Convert date to timestamptz

Hello. I'm trying to convert the following query from TypeORM querybuilder to Kysely: itemRepository .createQueryBuilder() .select() .where({ id }) .andWhere('sys_period @> :timestamp::timestamptz', { timestamp }) .getOne(); My attempt: db.selectFrom('item') .selectAll() .where('id', '=', id) .where('sys_period', '@>', [timestamp]); However type is mismatched, I need to somehow convert the Date to a timestamptz. Any idea where I could define such mapping?
3 Replies
Kristian Notari
In case of need you can always rely on kysely sql to create raw sql. I mean that you can always cast values to something using raw sql like:
However, in your case, it really depends how you're mapping table types. Here sys_period I imagine is a column of type timestamptz. How have you mapped it as type in typescript? It depends on the driver you're using, but it probabily would end up being a Date itself, so you can type it that way and then you get the comparison working again
JamOP2y ago
Column sys_period is defined that way (it's a tstzrange, I want to use the @> to check if it contains the date): export const sysPeriodSettings: ColumnOptions & PrimaryColumnOptions = { name: 'sys_period', type: 'tstzrange', nullable: false, default: () => 'tstzrange(now(), null)', }; // In entity: @PrimaryColumn(sysPeriodSettings) sysPeriod: string; // A string because TypeORM does not support timestamp ranges How mapping is done is a good question as at the moment it's magically handled by TypeORM.
Kristian Notari
Ok, but how's going to be handled with kysely and the driver you're going to use? Cause if it's going to be a string aswell, I don't know what the kysely @> operator is going to enforce the right side to be. Whatever it's going to want as right side, you can always provide that with raw sql as I showed to you earlier
.where('id', '=', id)
.where('sys_period', '@>', sql<WhateverYouNeed>`${timestamp}::timestamptz`);
.where('id', '=', id)
.where('sys_period', '@>', sql<WhateverYouNeed>`${timestamp}::timestamptz`);
and you could create yourself a little helper function to help you go from Date to RawBuilder<WhateverYouNeed> by using raw sql template underneath

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