How do I approach this?
Please, anyone who can help me out on how to approach the right side of the hero section. And to also make it responsive. Thanks

12 Replies
1-Main Container
1.1- text container ( h1, p, buttons, etc..)
1.2- Image container ( for the plate image)
1.3- a div with a position absolute ( for that green shape )
That's how I'd do it for the whole
Can it be responsiveness afterwards??
And also please how do I go about the little dishes around the plate?
Include them in the image
Yeah, I'd be very tempted to just have one image there, which includes those little ones, unless it moves around at different screen sizes.
Kevin released a video on placing items around a circle using cos and sin to calculate the positions a couple of weeks ago.
Oh okay, so it should be more like grouping the images as one then, place it on the right side of the hero-section.
Thanks a lot @Chris this can turn out useful.
I created a demo css nav based on Kevin’s video which might also serve as inspiration
Wow, the menu is cool!!
Maybe, a source code would go a long way.
You can see the code on my GitHub here
Thanks @Chris
Uhmm, I hope I can replicate the design with pure css
The one I did is just CSS
Yeah, I just noticed
Thanks @Chris