How important is GitHub knowledge?

I am at a point we’re I feel very confident in making projects to use in a portfolio. How important is using GitHub in a more proper way when potential jobs look at it(if they even do)? As of now I just update the project repo when I’m down for the day.
7 Replies
Coder_Carl2y ago
Get in the habit of adding a commit any time you make a meaningful change i.e. Every new function you write. Every fix you make Every substantial css change/addition. If you were working for someone, they own the code you write. If you have to leave early due to some reason, make it so that someone else can contribute to your merge request or leave notes there. The rule as far as I've experienced it is, deploy early, commit often Push every hour or so
Jochem2y ago
I'd say git is important, github is not any job worth having is going to use source control, and 90% certain it's going to be git if they don't use source control at a programming job, run I always follow commit early commit often. Depending on the size of the feature I'm working on, I commit whenever there's either a part I'd potentially want to go back to, like if I have a prototype version working or something. If it's a tiny feature, I just commit when it's done pushing is something I usually do when I'm done for the day, or if I've finished working on something I know a colleague has to work on
ErrtuOP2y ago
Thank you both. So even when doing a self project, I should commit every time I; Add a section of HTML Style a section Create new functionality Make any meaningful updates to these Etc… Also is Git just the functionality of commiting and pulls, and GitHub just uses it? Or is Git a separate program I need to learn?
Jochem2y ago
github uses git. Almost all the commands you'd use in your client, whether that's through vscode, git's ui, or the cli, is part of git. The online storage of code and the website is github you can use git without github, you cannot use github without git as for when you commit, it also needs to make sense to you when you do. Basically, any time you're at a state in your code where you think "Hm, this would be nice point to be able to come back to if I screw up" is when you definitely commit, and that's at the very least at the end of developing any feature we've all had those moments where you're trying to fix something, and break even more in the process, and you just want to go back to how it was so you can try again. That's git's primary use when you're working solo, making sure you have those checkpoints to go back to
ErrtuOP2y ago
Should I exaggerate and do it more with my projects, as I am not sure how complex they are. I will be starting with, calculator, Weather App, to-do list, and another API project.
Jochem2y ago
you should definitely use git for any programming project, it's just a good habit to have if you want to practice, there's no harm in committing more often just make sure that if you're playing with branches and doing stuff like checking out revisions for the first time that you make a separate backup of your code. You can make recovering code hard if you mess up some git commands, and it's easier to just be able to delete the entire thing and unpack it from a zip file you kept in another folder
Coder_Carl2y ago
I would also say that ensuring good commit messages is just as important. There are a few guides out there to start with like
How to Write a Git Commit Message
Commit messages matter. Here's how to write them well.
How to Write a Good Git Commit Message | Git Best Practices
Need to edit a Git commit message? Learn how to write a good Git commit message, and how to Git change a commit message, using GitKraken Client and the CLI.

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