Is there a limit for CSS variable count?

How many will be enough or start to cause some performance problems?
5 Replies
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell•2y ago
From what I've been told, you can cause performance issues, but it has to be a lot. Also, that was a year or so ago, so things might have been improved since then. If I do remember correctly, custom properties are optimized when they're on the :root, and if they're never changed.
Armands Uiska
Armands UiskaOP•2y ago
a lot is more than 100? 200? 500?
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell•2y ago
A lot was in the thousands 😄
Armands Uiska
Armands UiskaOP•2y ago
ou... for me 100 seems a lot @Kevin maybe you know some good articles about css variables? how to decide what to set as a variable?
.btn {
border: solid 1px Black;
color: Black;

.btn.btn-primary {
border-color: Blue;
color: Blue;
.btn {
border: solid 1px Black;
color: Black;

.btn.btn-primary {
border-color: Blue;
color: Blue;
Is this ok - or not?
.btn {
--btnColor: Black;
border: solid 1px var(--btnColor);
color: var(--btnColor);

.btn.btn-primary {
--btnColor: Blue;
.btn {
--btnColor: Black;
border: solid 1px var(--btnColor);
color: var(--btnColor);

.btn.btn-primary {
--btnColor: Blue;
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell•2y ago
Personally, I like the second option.

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