C#16mo ago
Alex Frost

❔ Delayed call to a function

I am writing search in Blazor and the search needs to happen without enter or tab press. What I want is for a timer to be incremented on each key-press and once typing stops and delay is achieved, it should call the function. Few of the methods I tried call the search many times.
3 Replies
phaseshift16mo ago
use a timer, update the interval properly. Or stop the previous timer and make a new one
JakenVeina16mo ago
if you wanna go REALLY crazy
IObservable<string> textBoxValueChanged = ...;

var subscription = textBoxValueChanged
.Subscribe(textBoxValue => PerformSearch(textBoxValue));
IObservable<string> textBoxValueChanged = ...;

var subscription = textBoxValueChanged
.Subscribe(textBoxValue => PerformSearch(textBoxValue));
Accord15mo ago
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