C#16mo ago
Zhyrnyi Pes

✅ Debugging razor component page isn`t working

Could you please tell me why the debugger on the .razor page may not work? On the page to which visual studio refers, it says that I need to check if my module is loaded, but as I understand it, web modules are not loaded at all, is this the problem?
5 Replies
Zhyrnyi Pes
Zhyrnyi Pes16mo ago
It's interesting that the project is in production and other developers can debug pages. I suspect that I need to change some settings in my IDE, but I don't understand which ones
undisputed world champions
just some things to consider: are you starting in debug mode? are there any errors in the error view? have you tried restarting vs?
Zhyrnyi Pes
Zhyrnyi Pes16mo ago
@icebear 1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes Debugging works everywhere except for .razor pages - this is the only place where the breakpoint has a yellow flag and this message
Accord15mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
Zhyrnyi Pes
Zhyrnyi Pes15mo ago
The problem was in the browser. I use Brave as my main browser, and for some reason it doesn't debug the code. When I changed the browser in the project launch settings to Edge, everything worked
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