2 return fetch request
Hello, I am using this workers code in front of my website, but when I use "return fetch(request);" instead of the return "fetch(url, init);" parameter in line 24, the post operation does not occur. How can I replace "fetch(url, init);" with "return fetch(request);"..
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
async function handleRequest(request) {
const ip = request.headers.get("CF-Connecting-IP");
const countryCode = request.headers.get("CF-IPCountry");
const response = await fetch("https://mypage.xx/ip.txt");
const text = await response.text();
const ipInfo = text.trim().split('\n').find(line => line.startsWith(ip));
if (ipInfo) {
return fetch(request);
const url = "https://mypage.xx/public.php";
const data = new URLSearchParams({ "data":
${ip}|${countryCode} });
const init = {
method: "POST",
body: data
return fetch(url, init);
1 Reply
Hey @lokiwind. I see you're new here, so welcome!!
Do you want to override the method to be POST, but with fetch(request) you don't pass in the init? is that the issue?