Apartment problem
I cant seem to enter the apartment richard majestic lvl 25, was so excited reaching lvl 25 to enter this ;-;
4 Replies
foreign-sapphireOP•2y ago
pls help
Our bot has been updated and overhauled to use slash commands!
You use commands with
as a prefix rather than pls
In August, we deployed a project we've been working on and planning for years, which was a complete rewrite of our entire codebase. It worked perfectly with the timing of Discord transitioning bots to use slash commands instead of message content prefixes (like pls).
You can read more about our big changes in that update here: dankmemer.lol - blog
You can keep up to date with more recent changes here: dankmemer.lol - changelog
Try running /help!foreign-sapphireOP•2y ago
press M go to apartment options