C#16mo ago

✅ When will we use overload method?

Hello. I would like to ask when do we have to use an overload method? I can't understand despite searching through different platforms for explanation.
8 Replies
Anton16mo ago
E.g. the Where Linq method has two overloads One that takes a delegate that takes just the item And the second one that takes the item and the index arr.Where(item => item != 5)
MR1R0B0T16mo ago
Also it makes me confused because whenever I look at it they could have the same method invocation name yet they take different parameters so I was wondering instead of overloading that specific method, why not just declare another method?
Anton16mo ago
vs arr.Where((item, index) => item != 5 && index != 8) it's less mental overload you just call the same method, you don't think about types it's called "static polymorphism"
MR1R0B0T16mo ago
Ahh, I see where you're getting at. Thank you for this explanation. I can already see it. Thank you!
Anton16mo ago
and it generalizes better to generics or dynamic polymorphism
MR1R0B0T16mo ago
Thank you!
Anton16mo ago
you're welcome
MR1R0B0T16mo ago
Have a great day ahead
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