Looking for feedback on look and feel of a Burger shop's website

Hey! So I've been trying to dedicate some time to actually make some effort into creating website designs. I was planning on redoing a single home-page just to get started and chose this website https://burgerlab.com.pk/ . I looked through it and made a spin on how I can improve some elements such as typography and general flow of the website. Here's my approach to it: https://www.figma.com/file/bSD7siayQ8Naboed6xMJGA/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1&t=pcRiT8SX3dJQjZbH-1 . It includes my first approach (Left) and my current approach (Middle and Right) Things I tried to touch on 1. Header is a slideshow which shows all the new items 2. Change the font so it reads better ( I felt that the burger description text was too small and the font choice wasn't the best) 3. Add more contrast 4. Present a "walkway" to showcase the most popular burgers in the store 5. Reworked the navbar An additional note is that I am guilty of not aligning/sizing things as perfectly as they should be, especially in the areas of the burgers description. I do want to spend more time on this, since I feel like the homepage doesn't show off too much of what the store is. But I was hoping I could find some errors/improvements in my approach so far that I can tend to before proceeding forward. Thank you in advance for taking time to look through this 🙂
Created with Figma
2 Replies
ghostmonkey•2y ago
It's an interesting challenge, because the original site is not completely awful. But, I think you have identified a few key areas that could really be improved: contrast and fonts. Also the 'walkway' idea is clever and makes a unique page visual. If I was looking at refactoring this, I would try to identify who is the intended audience. Is it the end customer, a potential franchise owner, or just someone looking for a burger flipper job? And based on that, I would focus my design. For instance, if this is a customer centric page, then the main CTA should be 'open the menu and order something', and not 'apply for a franchise' And that would then identify what the rest of the page needs in order to add content to it. For customers, you are going to want to add stuff that shows off the 'eating experience' or applies pressure to guide them towards purchasing the product whereas, if it is focused on franchisees, then you would want to focus more on how great a business opportunity it is Either way, I think the entire 'our world' section could be put on the front page. And if the menu becomes the nav CTA, you can put franchise into the contact section, and now you have 2 less things on the nav, making it even cleaner
KayleberriesOP•2y ago
Thank you for the response @ghostmonkey. The point about designing for the audience is one I did overlook and it has given me some more ideas on how to refactor the CTAs. Some of the points you mentioned are things I thought of for a bit so I'll try spending some time on that next. Thank you once again 🙂

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