C#2y ago

✅ [JsonProprety] isn't being respected ASP.NET Core

Howdy! I've been having this issue that I can't get figure out. For context this is a ASP.NET Core WebAPI I have only one controller which is causing me issues and I can't quite figure out why. This is the signature for it:
public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromForm] PostRequest request, [FromForm] IFormFile? file)
public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromForm] PostRequest request, [FromForm] IFormFile? file)
This is how PostRequest class looks like:
using Newtonsoft.Json;

public class PostRequest
public bool TimeStamps { get; set; }

public string Lang { get; set; } = "auto";

public bool Translate { get; set; }

public string Model { get; set; } = "base";
using Newtonsoft.Json;

public class PostRequest
public bool TimeStamps { get; set; }

public string Lang { get; set; } = "auto";

public bool Translate { get; set; }

public string Model { get; set; } = "base";
The issue is that [JsonProperty] Attribute isn't being respected, whenever I sent a request like this:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-F "file=@/path/to/file.mp3" \
-F "lang=en" \
-F 'stamps=true' \
-F "model=base" \
-F "translate=true" \
<insert url>
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-F "file=@/path/to/file.mp3" \
-F "lang=en" \
-F 'stamps=true' \
-F "model=base" \
-F "translate=true" \
<insert url>
The TimeStamps doesn't get set to true even though it has the stamps attribute. If I set stamps in curl to timestamps it will work which leads me to believe that they're something wrong with the attributes. 🤔 I originally was using System.Text.Json but switch to Newtonsoft.Json thinking It might be a bug in System.Text.Json but sadly nothing changed.
7 Replies
Mayor McCheese
Iirc default package is System.Text.Json (STJ) and uses a different attribute You have to do something different in builder to use newtonsoft
SarcoOP2y ago
Do you know what's the other Attribute called? 🤔
ACiDCA72y ago
How to customize property names and values with System.Text.Json
Learn how to customize property names and values when serializing with System.Text.Json in .NET.
Mayor McCheese
public class WeatherForecastWithPropertyNameAttribute { public DateTimeOffset Date { get; set; } public int TemperatureCelsius { get; set; } public string? Summary { get; set; } [JsonPropertyName("Wind")] public int WindSpeed { get; set; } }
SarcoOP2y ago
I was originally using System.Text.Json and JsonPropertyName I still had same isuse
Wz2y ago
Model Binding in ASP.NET Core
Learn how model binding in ASP.NET Core works and how to customize its behavior.
SarcoOP2y ago
Thank you a lot! That worked

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