✅ ResolvePackageAssets is failing because it can't find the NuGet fallback folder
I installed something called Godot portably on a USB which ended up being more invasive than everybody says. Now, none of my projects across all .NET SDKs are failing because it can't find "GodotNuGetFallbackFolder" that Godot created when the USB isn't plugged in. This is happening on all computers I ran Godot on. It's not malware, but it sure sounds like it.
Is there some way to reset it back to what it was? I've reinstalled .NET, ran the repair tool, and I couldn't find much online. To nobody's surprise, deleting the obj and bin of a project and restoring NuGet doesn't fix it. Restoring the NuGet doesn't error when restoring though
1 Reply
dotnet nuget locals all --list
doesn't show any sources on the USB drive, with and without it plugged in
There are no env variables pointing to the USB drive or the GodotNuGetFallbackFolder
It was a hidden config file created by Godot in %appdata%/NuGet/config
that had package sources not showing up with dotnet CLI commands and was taking precedence over all other sources