```rs #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)] #[serde(tag = "t", content = "c")] pub enum MaterialParamet
7 Replies
this works fine
as does
the second one works fine?
try to deserialize specifically
yea that's worked for months
oh hmm
because it might be
because some of the units have one tuple parameter and some of them are just unit variants
@otterpip confirmed that it's the case
so... that's fun
it's just unit variants
so deserializing unit variants must be the problem
also if you haven't already, would appreciate the name of the crate for the stardust common structs to be "spec"
okie got it
and flexbuffers or no?
i can look at the other crates for reference if i need
yea so the idea would be to move the flatbuffers stuff from schemas to spec, maybe move the flex serialization/deserialization to core
and then have all the structs that represent arguments and such be in spec