C#ā€¢2y ago

āœ… Heaps & Priority Queue

What is priority queue in heap data struct?
6 Replies
hiyosilverā€¢2y ago
Either I'm having a stroke or this question makes no sense. You might need to rephrase a little bit so people can understand what you want. Maybe we can all have a wild guess and the community can vote on their favourite answer šŸ˜‰
moshimoshiOPā€¢2y ago
Haha, apologies for not being clear. My lecture slides had this written on it but had no clue what it meant - as an application of heap Priority Queues (e.g. CPU job-scheduling) ā€¢ Give each runnable task a priority number ā€¢ Execute the next runnable task with highest priority
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
Application of heap, meaning usage of heap
moshimoshiOPā€¢2y ago
yes thats right
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
Well, prio queues often use heaps as their backing structure so they are an example of a usage of heaps
moshimoshiOPā€¢2y ago
hahaha yeah i read some explanation online too! thanks šŸ™‚

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