Reduce jitter on GSAP animations.

Hey @Web Bae I noticed that some of my GSAP animations such as a horizontal marquee, tend to jitter / lag a bit when on mobile. I was wondering if you had any tips on reducing this lag and optimizing performance. I understand certain that CSS properties like drop shadows and filters can cause performance issues, but I was more curious if there were some GSAP utility functions or other JS-based solutions that could improve performance. Thanks!
12 Replies
Web Bae
Web Bae2y ago
Hey @sungdukkang - can you link to the code you are using? Is it my code? lol one thing to look out for is animating properties like left instead of x i.e. you should animate x (translateX) and not left, which snaps to whole pixel values
sungdukkangOP2y ago
Continuous News Ticker with pause on hover?
Hi there. I was looking at this thread: Wondering how the example might be modified to allow for items to pause on hover so a link can be opened. See the Pen ZPKwjW by sgorneau (@sgorneau) on CodePen
Web Bae
Web Bae2y ago
you can also look at using force3d:true and rotationz
Web Bae
Web Bae2y ago
Jittery animation with slow moving images
Hi there, I'm trying to create a smooth animation of an image panning across the screen but it seems to be be moving pixel to pixel. I have force3D set to true but perhaps I'm doing it incorrectly. Can anyone help? Here is the Code Pen See the Pen tGLfC by anon (@anon) on CodePen
sungdukkangOP2y ago
is there a way i can paste code snippets on discord?
Web Bae
Web Bae2y ago
good question lol I'm not a discord pro but I'm working on it!
sungdukkangOP2y ago
haha me neither
Web Bae
Web Bae2y ago
looks like you can use three backticks?
code here
code here
sungdukkangOP2y ago
this is the script i'm using
Web Bae
Web Bae2y ago
thanks - not sure form first glance is it on iPhone? android? I notice worse performance on my iPhone if in low power mode () usually battery <20% but I think it's customizeable might be a good question for the gsap forums though
sungdukkangOP2y ago
Yup yup

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