❔ New to C# and am trying to make a Minesweeper console app

I am having trouble with my "UpdateBoard" method and I can not seem to figure out what the problem is, can someone please help me? Here is the code:
8 Replies
Jimmacle16mo ago
what is the problem and what have you tried?
redBox || !redBox
if the user selects a mine it still updates the board like they haven't, I have tried commenting out the OverrideBoard method because I thought that was the issue, and it was still doing the same thing
Jimmacle16mo ago
without comments it's pretty difficult for someone here to understand what your code is supposed to do
redBox || !redBox
ill add some comments and resend it
Jimmacle16mo ago
also fwiw, i have never seen a code style where method parameters were named with leading underscores that's typically used for instance fields of a class/struct
redBox || !redBox
I did that to help me better understand which were from the whole project and from the individual methods alright, I have added comments heres the updated code
Accord16mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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