Way to update static vertex

https://docs.janusgraph.org/schema/advschema/#static-vertices I read document about TTL vertex. And it said that vertex must be static to set TTL for it. But when set static vertex, i can't update that vertex. So can I just set TTL and update the vertex at the same time?
4 Replies
spmallette2y ago
☝️ @janusgraph do you have any advice on this one?
Florian Hockmann
You can't make a single vertex static and you also can't set the TTL on an individual vertex. You define these aspects on a vertex label instead and they will then apply to all vertices with that label. So, no, you cannot modify a vertex in any way if you want to use the TTL feature for that vertex label
Dinh Phu
Dinh PhuOP2y ago
i hope we will develop this feature in the future. Like the way Hbase implements TTL for record
Florian Hockmann
The question is how should the API for such a functionality look like if you want to enable the TTL on individual vertices?

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