How do I approach this kind of design or layout?

I used grid to achieve the background but, I couldn't get my text to be like that of the shot 😦
4 Replies
Jochem•3y ago
you can overlap elements using grid, if you simply explicitly place them in the same area. The easiest way is using grid-area, but you can manually define the columns and rows with grid-template too:
Ryan Mulligan
Positioning Overlay Content with CSS Grid | CSS-Tricks
Not news to any web developer in 2021: CSS Grid is an incredibly powerful tool for creating complex, distinct two-dimensional modern web layouts.
CorizonOP•2y ago
Thanks a lot @jochemm this will go a long way 🙂 Is it okay if I import the image to the page already edited with the blur and radial gradient on it or should I get the original image and write a code for the radial gradient and the blur?
Jochem•2y ago
"ok" really depends on a lot of factors. If it's an image you have the right to use being the most important one 😄 As for the blur and gradient... It depends on how often the image is getting replaced, and who has to do the replacing
CorizonOP•2y ago
Haha, I will be the one to be changing it when the need arises. Thanks @jochemm ;D

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