C#17mo ago

✅ How to add variable instead of value in JSON dynamic array?

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;

public class ConsoleApp7
public static void Main()
string json = @"
""toon_guid_by_gateway"": {
""10"": {
""Cwt)dewalt"": 4,
""Dewalt1"": 6,
""PUKAN"": 14
""11"": {
""Dzergalt"": 8,
""Fotono4kiFTW"": 9,
""kekterrek"": 13
""20"": {
""BSL15-Dewalt"": 3,
""Cwt)Dewalt"": 5,
""iRk-Dewalt"": 12
""30"": {
""BSL-Dewalt"": 2,
""DewaltTv"": 7,
""IllIlIIIllllll1"": 11
""45"": {
""asdas12qsdasdas"": 1,
""gantel'kaFTW"": 10
int gateway = 10;
string player = "Dewalt1";

dynamic dynamicData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(json);
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;

public class ConsoleApp7
public static void Main()
string json = @"
""toon_guid_by_gateway"": {
""10"": {
""Cwt)dewalt"": 4,
""Dewalt1"": 6,
""PUKAN"": 14
""11"": {
""Dzergalt"": 8,
""Fotono4kiFTW"": 9,
""kekterrek"": 13
""20"": {
""BSL15-Dewalt"": 3,
""Cwt)Dewalt"": 5,
""iRk-Dewalt"": 12
""30"": {
""BSL-Dewalt"": 2,
""DewaltTv"": 7,
""IllIlIIIllllll1"": 11
""45"": {
""asdas12qsdasdas"": 1,
""gantel'kaFTW"": 10
int gateway = 10;
string player = "Dewalt1";

dynamic dynamicData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(json);
Instead of value "PUKAN" I want the data from string player instead.
1 Reply
DiMiaN17mo ago
oh nevermind, solved it Console.WriteLine(dynamicData.toon_guid_by_gateway[Convert.ToString(gateway)][player];