C#ā€¢2y ago

ā” Trouble practicing C#

I'm having trouble trying to put in practice what I have already learned. I have already gone through almost all C# syntax and have a pretty good understanding on how to write C#, but when I jump to excercises I just go blank. Sometimes I jump on guided projects, but I really don't know if these are worth my time because I feel I don't think by myself while doing these. So I have three questions. 1. Are guided projects worth it? 2. What should I practice, building projects or excercises? 3. How do I get better at logic thinking?
28 Replies
Thinkerā€¢2y ago
What is your goal with C#? What do you want to make?
xSaizOPā€¢2y ago
Well, I'm heading towards .NET Developer and then try to hop on Azure Devops
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
The only way to get good is to reinforce your learning by using it. I highly suggest doing some $projects for practice, and keep it simple
MODiXā€¢2y ago
Collections of application ideas that anyone can solve in any programming language to improve coding skills: https://github.com/ZacharyPatten/dotnet-console-games https://github.com/karan/Projects https://github.com/florinpop17/app-ideas
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
dont jump immediately on doing a chatgpt clone, make a damned console calulator or something and go from there I like tabletop gaming, so one of my go-to projects is a character generator, or trying to implement board game rules in a computer program.
xSaizOPā€¢2y ago
I get it, I'll start doing these then and see how it goes. So far I've done some projects but all of them guided, do you recommend doing guided projects? Thanks for the info btw. @Pobiega
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
what exactly is a "guided project"? if its like the tutorials where they literally tell you each line to write, then its useless
xSaizOPā€¢2y ago
Well I'll link it for you, hold on
xSaizOPā€¢2y ago
Challenge project - Develop foreach and if-elseif-else structures t...
Demonstrate your ability to update a console app that implements arrays, foreach loops, and if statements in response to a user requested feature update.
xSaizOPā€¢2y ago
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
no need to ping me every time :p
xSaizOPā€¢2y ago
lmao sorry šŸ˜‚
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
hm at a glance that looks okay it gives you a problem specification and a way to validate your changes thats good
xSaizOPā€¢2y ago
Ok, I assume the ones that really won't work are those wich they tell you every line of code to write, right?
xSaizOPā€¢2y ago
Guided project - Develop foreach and if-elseif-else structures to p...
Gain experience developing a console app that implements arrays, foreach loops, and if statements to achieve app specifications.
xSaizOPā€¢2y ago
like this one?
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
yeah pretty much. if you dont think yourself and just copypaste (or "follow the script"), the learnings wont stick much at all the act of solving problems is what will deepen the understanding
xSaizOPā€¢2y ago
Yeah that's what I've been doing so far... "following the script" Is it okay to search for code to implement your idea to solve a problem?
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
sure but dont default to googling and copypasting, try to solve it yourself first "oh hm, my input for this problem is an array.. and I need to get a sum/aggregate out of it, I will probably need to loop over the array" etc
xSaizOPā€¢2y ago
Ok, so I assume it is okay to search for the code but I need to come up witht he solution to solve it, is that what you're refering to? with*
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
xSaizOPā€¢2y ago
Wow, you helped me a lot. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much!
Pobiegaā€¢2y ago
np best of luck
xSaizOPā€¢2y ago
Same to you!
maria šŸŒŸ
maria šŸŒŸā€¢2y ago
pov me wondering how people do some awesome things
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