C#2y ago

✅ Storing JSON and User data in a multi-tenant application

Hello! I'm developing a multi-tenant (multiple concurrent users) application. I require a database for storing JSON configurations and user data (users, roles, permissions). Not sure, whether to use a single relational database, or a relational for user data and non-relational for JSON. I believe that Redis is out of the question, as it is an in-memory database; whereas, I need a more permanent storage for JSON configurations. I'd prefer to use EF Core to simplify development efforts; however, I've found that it doesn't have that much support for NoSQL. E.g., there is no official EF Core driver for MongoDB. My personal wish is to allow the resulting application to use any database provider - that is why I want EF Core, as doing this manually would be quite complicated. Is my goal realistic? Do you have any experience with such solutions? If it is not realistic, how should I go about this?
13 Replies
stiba2y ago
What about Marten? It's a document database built on top Postgres. https://martendb.io/
.NET Transactional Document DB and Event Store on PostgreSQL
Pobiega2y ago
You could also store the configuration in a json column in the "tenant" table.
DenisOP2y ago
The JSON configs will be accessed and written more often than user data. Is this an optimal approach? Given that I use EF Core, define an entity with a JSON column, and EF is connected to any of the following databases: - SQLite - MySQL - MS SQL Server - PostgreSQL
Pobiega2y ago
Dont see how that would be different from using a nosql database? you're still looking up a document you'd likely want to add a cache for it, ofc since you'll be wanting to access this data on every request
DenisOP2y ago
Just asking, if there is a, e.g., performance issue So maybe a REDIS cache would be a viable choice
Pobiega2y ago
for accessing a redis cache on every request? not at all thats extremely standard and what redis is made for
DenisOP2y ago
makes sense
Pobiega2y ago
for the product I work with at work, we use redis to store session information so its accessed for literally every request
DenisOP2y ago
given that is standard, here's a nooby question... how do I ensure cached data is synced with the stored data
Pobiega2y ago
technically you dont the idea is that every time you write to the database, you also update the redis cache record so if the user config is ever updated, its updated in both DB and redis
DenisOP2y ago
so simple wonderful thanks a lot!
Pobiega2y ago
this supports multiple application instances as well, ie horizontal scaling
DenisOP2y ago
Thanks for the tip! However, this is a specific database. Which should be abstracted away by EF Core. But, I will check it out

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